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Add/Edit Member

Add New Member: There are two options to add a new team member. You can either click the “Add New Member” button at the top or select “Add New Member” from the submenu under “Team.”

Now you need to add a member profile first fill the necessary fields and add a profile image

 Add Title: First Enter Member Name.
1) Member Information
1.1) Short Bio: Enter a Short Description of the member it will show on the list view page.
1.2) Long Bio: Add the Long bio of the member it will show on a Single page.
1.3) Job Title: Add the Job Title of the member
1.4) Contact & Location: Enter E-mail, Personal Web, Phone no & Location you can keep blank if no date then that field will not show in the front end.
1.5) Web Url : Enter the web url of the member.
1.6) Experience: Enter the experience of the member.
1.7) Add File: Add additional CV for member .

2) Social Profile
Select Icon: Select your social icon.
Url: Add your url social link.
Remove Profile: Remove your profile.
Add Another Profile: Add your Another Profile.
3)Member Image Gallery
Gallery: Add additional images for the member gallery it will show on a single page.

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